How to do the sidestrokes in steps

The way to do the sidestroke is quite simple to do. 

I will put the steps under this text. 


  1. Starting position: First you want to lie on the side you are most comfortable with. Stretch your body and extend your legs and point your toes. Also stretch your hand and keep them far apart from each other. Make sure to keep your head out of the water and angle it toward your hip so you can maintain your balance. That is the starting position.


  • Leg movement: You legs should do the scissor kick. Make sure to cross them at the hips and slice through the water till they meet in front of you. That is leg movement.


  • Hand movement: You should move your hand so as to make them meet. Imagine that you are reaching for something with your front hand and then giving it to your back hand, then your back hand throws it backwards. That is hand movement.


Synchronisation of the arms and legs: Your legs should snap at the same time when your hands are meeting; let yourself glide at the end of each stroke.

3 Topics About Myself

What do I like to do outside school?

I like to play futsal because it makes me more fit and will expose me to some physically energy it makes me run lots more and put all my focus on the sport while I do lose a lot in futsal that is because we have only been a team for 5 weeks and only play on Fridays while the last team we vs has been a team for 3 years and it was the best game for us because they won the champs I think on 3 – 1 against the other best team while it is a lot but I don’t think so because while it is a lot in a regular one not in futsal because the whole field is only like 20 meters long close to that. That is all I will expose myself for now.

Who is my favourite movie character?

I don’t really have a favourite character but I will do it out of the marvel universe because it is got one of my favourites and has got my mum’s favourite movie so I and doing this one but I have many more so don’t think I only like this character from marvel or only like marvel because I like more from different movie companies like pixar and more but my favourite one would be spider man because all though it is a very popular character I like him because he has a character development and has a good personality while it is a short thing to it. I think it is a good choice and it is him or Iron man.


What am I really good at doing?

I think that I am not the best at them but I am good at some things like I could be said to be good at being normal. I am not the most normal person so I could be more normal but it is something I am good at. Something I think I am good at is football while I am not the best at it. I think that is what I am good at but it might be different from what I think so I am going to say I think because it is not set in stone and it might change.

First aid lessons

On Monday we were doing stuff to prepare for camp like the first aid if someone was to get hurt and go unconscious like how to do CPR which is thirty compression then the two breaths and continue it the longest one is two minutes without stopping for a break and you are not suppose to stop before the ambulance has told you that they are ready to take over and we learnt how to turn them over to their side in case they vomit and if not on their side will stop breathing because it will go down the throat but if on their side will be able to have a free place to vomit.

Athletics Days

On Monday we did athletics which is okay but I only did two things because I needed to leave for some reasons. The two ones I did were the sprints in where it was a false start both times but on the second time we just went but I had stopped making me get second last nearly catching up to third last along 1 km run where I got like 10 place I think it was around the school it is like the cross country run but we had a time limit of like 3 minutes 30 which I did like just at 3 to 2 minutes and I like that time because I felt like I was not as go as the start of the year where I practised .

Next is the discs which I got 19.83 meters giving me an automatic pass to zones which I don’t want to do but that is it.

Human Life Cycle

These past two weeks we have been doing life cycles but this week we did a human life cycle.

Here are my facts I hope you enjoy.

Fetus: It will go through some different stages starting as a blastocyst then maturing into an embryo, and finally a fetus. Around the 5 week mark, cells in your baby’s future heart will begin to flicker. At 27 weeks they’ll have regular sleep and wake cycles, and at 39 weeks your baby is physically developed.


Baby: After birth it will start to cry and after a while it will fall asleep. It will spend most of its time sleeping and drinking milk for nutrients. 


Toddler: When entered the toddler stage it will start to walk and eat solid food. The child’s main source of energy and nutrition. Your child can take between three quarters to one cup of food three to four times a day, plus one to two snacks between meals. Continue breastfeeding as much as your child wants, until at least 2 years old


Preschooler: this is the time where it is Initiative vs. Guilt If this assertiveness is greeted with a positive reaction, they learn that taking initiative is helpful behaviour. However, if they’re made to feel guilty or ashamed for their assertiveness, they may grow up to be timid and less likely to take the lead.


Primary school: It is a child who is between the ages of 5-12 years. At this stage, a child or primary schooner  has developed good muscle control and coordination, eye-hand coordination, personal habits, thinking patterns, awareness of safety issues and personal habits and choices.


Adolescent: During adolescence young people will negotiate puberty and the completion of growth, take on sexually dimorphic body shape, develop new cognitive skills (including abstract thinking capacities), develop a clearer sense of personal and sexual identity, and develop a degree of emotional, personal, and financial.


Adult: By the time we reach early adulthood (20 to early 40s), our physical maturation is complete, although our height and weight may increase slightly. In young adulthood, our physical abilities are at their peak, including muscle strength, reaction time, sensory abilities, and cardiac functioning.


Old person: Old age may be defined as the stage from age 65 until death. During this stage, most people retire from work and no longer have the major responsibility of caring for others. Physically, older adults tend to have a decline in stamina, strength, reflex time, and the senses.

Thank you for reading.


Today we were doing a lesson on instructions and what types they are like imperative verbs also known as bossy ones it will tell you what to do. We are doing this because we are going to camp in a week or two so we need to know how to do the right thing for our safety. There are 3 types of instructions, first is the instruction is the one with only one field of instructions which is instructions like go over there. After that it is the one with two fields of instructions like go there and pull the lever. Finally it is three fields like go there pull the lever and come back here.

There is a simple type of instruction which is the simple ones like come in, stand up, sit down, come to the front of the class.


Today in maths we were doing probability. It was easy for me because we have been practising.

There is a limit of 24 candies.                                                                                                                                        .

The fractions say how much there is.







We had to do colour at the minimum of 5 different colours. when we did the fractions out of 50 and the percentages are doubled from fractions amount.