
Low is to high as everything is to nothing – antonyms 


This means that opposites can be similar but are very different 


Leaf is to tree as finger is to hand – part of a whole


Fire is to smoke as sadness is to cry – cause and effect


Couch is to sofa as break is to fracture – synonyms 


Wolf is to dog as parrot is to bird – item in a category


Dear Christopher Luxon


Hello Mr Luxon I am trying to change your opinion in changing the finishing school time from 3pm to 5pm as I and many don’t agree with this, as this may bring the student’s and teacher’s stress and could make a student burn out with many schools having homework and if we can’t get it we would the the middle ground of 4pm as it might be a little less stressful for both the of them and having it at 5pm can be bad for the children that have to help out at home or do something and making it 4pm is a little better than 5pm as at 5pm they come back to home and in a hour they have dinner. It would be good if you make it an opinion and be free but otherwise it isn’t the best for some kids that live close that they can walk home in like 5 minutes. 


Sincerely Jed Millson

Feedback by Josaiah 8/10

Science Fair

This term we have been doing Science to plan for the Science Fair but in week 10 everyone finally finished what they were doing and I have to say that it wasn’t the most interesting thing. I enjoyed doing the games. Some weren’t working but a few that were quite fun and worked. What we did for the term was making elephant’s toothpaste where you can find in the hall by our group Angus, Max, and me (Jed) it doesn’t look the most interesting but try checking it out in your free time. On to the others, some people made a conductive thing were you can touch someone else to conduct the electricity so that was good and some people did it with ten other people and it still conducted and it can probably go up to infinity but I not sure and then there was a catapult which explains itself. There was also a wall that was covered in posters which is the periodic table just with a little more approachable than the actual one. I’m just saying a few so if you want to see more go check it out.


Why are new year celebrations traditionally held in winter? – Matariki rises in the middle of winter.


How does Matariki compare to other celebrations? – Matariki was a time to acknowledge the dead and to release their spirits to become stars. It was also a time to reflect, to be thankful to the gods for the harvest, to feast and to share the bounty of the harvest with family and friends.


It is also our newest public holiday, why do you think we now celebrate it? – To honour the beginning of the Maori New Year, and in whānau celebrations to remember those who have died and to plan for the year ahead.

Moa Hunt

I made a fictionally story about someone hunting but I don’t know much about moa’s (I know they were real)

The sound of the birds singing was suddenly stopped by a man that was running under the dark trees making the birds rush into the air as quick as the wind but that didn’t stop the man who had his thoughts on something else.


It was his first hunt and he had found the moa but it managed to see him somehow and run off before he could get close to it. Right now he was running after the bird, the only good thing about this situation was that the bird couldn’t fly otherwise it might have escaped. Still he was slowly gaining ground on the turns (I don’t know how fast moa’s are). After 30 minutes of running he finally managed to catch up to the moa.


Throwing the spear with all his heart the spear glided through the air spinning it seemed like it was off but in the last second it changed course and hit the moa in the chest making it screech out in pain and blood started to flow out of its chest before falling to the ground lifeless.

Maths – Timelines

Today (26 of June) we were working on timelines and getting better with time, it is basically just a line with a marker it is normally 5 minutes but for long time difference I do 10 minutes or 30 minute intervals. Here are some examples of timelines.

The context of these questions is: 1st Hugo and his mum arrive at the doctor’s office at 2:30 pm. They see the doctor at 3:10 pm. How long was their wait? 2nd Dad says dinner will be ready in 35 minutes. It’s 5:30 pm now. What time will dinner be ready?



My goals for this term is to get better at basketball I need to get better at shooting and getting more physical.


After the session I have to say I didn’t really get much improvement in my shooting but I have got better in being physical

Maths – Time goals

Today (Monday the 17th of June) in maths we had to go back to learn time on clocks and 24 hour time just to see if we still know them